Melissa Carper Borned In Ya
The new release that most captured my ears in July was Borned In Ya, the latest from Melissa Carper. The album title comes from a quote from Ralph Stanley, one of the founding fathers of traditional bluegrass music, but Carper’s musical landscape is far too varied to be defined by any one discipline.
While the elements of old-time country are certainly present, and Carper’s voice and delivery always remain tinged toward that genre, you will also hear echoes of singers like Billie Holiday, and her choice of material encompasses elements of swing, ‘30s jazz, blues, and R&B. This is her best record so far, and one that I expect to be in heavy rotation around our house for some time to come.
NOTE: This will be my final installment of Music Of The Month. When I started this more than 3 1/2 years ago, the world was at a standstill and we all found ourselves with time on our hands. Obviously that’s no longer the case, as evidenced by the fact that I’m writing about July releases at nearly the end of August. Of course I’m still listening, and I do enjoy jotting a few notes now and again, so I plan to keep pointing out records that I think deserve attention. But going forward I won’t be keeping to any schedule. Just look for me when you see me.
Get some music in your ears, everybody!